Eating Disorders Therapy

At Pathfinder Therapy, we provide compassionate and effective treatment for eating disorders. Eating disorders can impact individuals of any gender, age, or background. We understand that eating disorders are complex and often require a comprehensive approach to treatment. That's why we offer evidence-based treatments to help our clients achieve lasting recovery.

Health At Every Size (HAES)

At our practice, we embrace the HAES approach. This approach is a weight-neutral and inclusive approach to eating disorder treatment. Rather than focusing on weight loss or body size as a means of achieving health, the HAES approach recognizes that individuals come in a wide range of shapes and sizes, and that weight is not necessarily an indicator of health.

The HAES approach to eating disorder treatment acknowledges the ways in which weight stigma and discrimination can contribute to disordered eating behaviors, and seeks to create a safe and inclusive space for individuals of all body types. The HAES approach also recognizes that diet culture and the pursuit of thinness can be harmful to both physical and mental health, and encourages individuals to let go of restrictive eating patterns and focus on nourishing their bodies with a variety of foods.

At Pathfinder Therapy, we believe in providing compassionate and individualized care to all of our clients. However, it's important to note that since our approach to eating disorder treatment is rooted in the HAES philosophy, we prioritize overall well-being over weight loss. If a patient with an eating disorder is primarily focused on weight loss, and not open to the possibility of accepting their body at its current size, our therapy practice may not be the best fit for them. We understand that every individual has unique needs and goals. However, we are trained to provide weight-neutral care, and we believe that this approach is best suited for individuals who are seeking to cultivate a positive and sustainable relationship with food, their body, and their overall health.

Seeking treatment for an eating disorder can be scary and overwhelming.

We are here to support you every step of the way. We look forward to working with you to help you achieve lasting recovery and a healthy relationship with food and your body.